If you’re out and about on Isle of Wight roads today (25th January) find out more about possible travel delays by looking at our list of Isle of Wight roadworks and road closures.
The work is scheduled to last 17 weeks, finishing before the May Bank Holiday with two-way lights in place for majority of work, but with a three week road closure while the new road drainage system is constructed.
If you’re out and about on Isle of Wight roads today (24th January) find out more about possible travel delays by looking at our list of Isle of Wight roadworks and road closures.
There are some big changes planned for the St Mary’s roundabout area. OnTheWight has pulled together all of the details that you need to know, including a HUGE version of the road plans.
If you’re out and about on Isle of Wight roads today (23rd January) find out more about possible travel delays by looking at our list of Isle of Wight roadworks and road closures.
If you’re out and about on Isle of Wight roads today (19th January) find out more about possible travel delays by looking at our list of Isle of Wight roadworks and road closures.
If you’re out and about on Isle of Wight roads today (18th January) find out more about possible travel delays by looking at our list of Isle of Wight roadworks and road closures.
If you’re out and about on Isle of Wight roads today (10th January) find out more about possible travel delays by looking at our list of Isle of Wight roadworks and road closures.