Ventnor Community Foodbank with Golden Sands donation

Ventnor Community Foodbank marks one year of feeding local families

Ventnor Community Foodbank are celebrating their first year as an independent, volunteer-run foodbank.

Since the local foodbank was formed in July 2020 it has fed 870 people – 463 adults and 407 children.

Tony McCarthy from Ventnor Community Foodbank said,

“We are indebted to the Ventnor community, to the individuals, churches, businesses and community groups and the Town Council for supporting us.

“Thanks to our amazing team of volunteers – their dedication and support has enabled the project to keep going through difficult times.”

Ventnor Community Foodbank is continuing to offer a collect at the door or a delivery service.

If you need support call them on 07862 247 694 or call in at the Baptist Church on a Tuesday or a Thursday between 10am-12pm and one of the volunteers will be happy to see how they can help you.

Donating food
Well done to ‘Five A Day’ for helping with fresh fruit and vegetables.

Food can be dropped off at donation points, which include, the Coop, Tesco, Carnaby Tea Rooms, Wendy’s, and Norris Stores in Niton.

There is also a donation sack outside the Foodbank too, on a Tuesday and Thursday between 10am-12pm.

Running short
This week we are short of fruit juice, squash, tinned rice pudding, custard, sponge puddings, tinned spaghetti tinned soup and biscuits.

Pictured are Volunteers Barbara, June and Steve at the Baptist Church.