David Pugh bashes the Bishop

Yes it’s true, we heard on IW Radio yesterday that council leader David Pugh has taken things into hand and stripped three councillors of their roles on various council committees.

David Pugh Bashes The BishopCllr Anne Bishop has been removed from the Audit & Performance Committee and the Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Brian Mosdell is released from the Policy Commission for Business and Infrastructure and Cllr Vanessa Churchman no longer sits on either the Scrutiny Committee or the Policy Commission for Safer Communities.

This decision was taken as the councillors await investigation by the Standards Board of England along with Patrick Joyce and former council leader, Andy Sutton for their involvement in a decision relating to a planning application by Shanklin town councillor, Anne Bishop.

You can read what David Pugh had to say to IW radio over on their website.