Bacon and Whitehouse boxing

Bacon challenges Whitehouse claim that legal agreement limits what can be said on Platt case

Former council leader, Jonathan Bacon, councillor for Brading, St Helens & Bembridge has shared an email sent to the now leader of the Isle of Wight council, Dave Stewart. What follows is the first part of the email.

Of note is the line at the end of the Minister’s letter that says the council have the ability to withdraw from the court action, if they so choose – Ed

Dear Councillor Stewart

It was with interest that I noted the intention now to continue with the Supreme Court Appeal hearing in relation to school attendance. This seems to be despite statements from your group and particularly the new Executive Member, often in vitriolic and sometimes personal terms, stating that the appeal should be withdrawn.

It seems to be being claimed that the appeal cannot be withdrawn and that there is a ‘legal agreement’ preventing Councillor Whitehouse explaining the very different course he is now taking to the issue.

I thought it might help if you have sight of two letters which explain the basis upon which it was agreed the appeal would proceed last year. They show that the appeal can be withdrawn and the fact there is no such ‘legal agreement’, merely a request to clear media statements with the DfE.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Jonathan Bacon, councillor for Brading, St Helens & Bembridge

The documents
The documents referred to by Cllr Bacon can be seen below. Click on full screen icons to see larger versions.

Update 13:49: Drew out the Minister’s final line.

Image: superwebdeveloper under CC BY 2.0