By sourcing food locally, you will be supporting the local economy and embracing seasonal food, keeping food miles down and helping our farmers to manage the Island's rural environment, says IW Chair of NFU
The Amazon-backed Rural Business Awards announces a new national format for 2020/21 – the only UK-wide awards dedicated to showcasing the success of rural businesses
Over one million people have now signed the NFU food standards petition, giving a clear signal to Government on future trade deals. Have you signed the petition?
Covid-19 has highlighted the importance of food security and traceability The NFU urges people to protect our food standards as more than three quarters of a million sign its petition
Amid the most recent Government lockdown advice, the CLA believe it could potentially lead to an increase in walkers in the countryside and shares a reminder about the Countryside Code
A new Group which initially aims to connects farmers and a potential land army, "creating jobs and resilience to the Island's local food production" has launched on Facebook
Deputy President of the CLA says farmers are renowned for the care they give to their livestock and the attention they give their crops, but now is the time to better take care of themselves
The Isle of Wight MP said the Island Deal could include support for small-scale abattoirs or humane slaughter on farms, as well as milk storage, grain storage and vegetable box erectors on the Island
With proposed Agriculture and Environment Bills currently delayed, what should farmers be doing to plan for the future? This and similar questions will be covered in the debate
The Present of the CLA says the Government needs to earn the trust of rural communities by guarantee that UK farmers will not be undercut by cheap imports produced to lower standards