Happy snowman

The (Christmas) Show must go on say Business Association

This in from Sandown Business Association, in their own words. Ed

Following the recent cancellation of the Christmas Eve Funday by Sandown Carnival Association, a call to arms was issued by Sandown Business Association.

A meeting was held on 3rd October primarily to gauge support in the town and receive offers of help from the local community.

Great response from community
SBA Chair Nicky Parker said,

“As a committee we are only eight people, so we could not organise such an event without firm commitments of help from other businesses in the High Street and from local community groups.

“Seeing over 60 people attending the meeting and feeling the enthusiasm in the room has encouraged us to continue with Sandown’s Christmas Eve tradition; the show must go on!”

The schedule of fun and games will unfold as plans are made and any offers to get involved can be emailed to [email protected]

Image: franklinheijnenunder CC BY 2.0