Coastal Centre

Coastal Centre tops the agenda at council meeting

Thank to Evelyn for this report from Monday’s Ventnor Town Council meeting. Ed

Salisbury Gardens (also known locally as the Ventnor Coastal Centre) was clearly the most important issue on the agenda with the Town Clerk providing us with a very detailed update.

While it was put forward on the agenda as ‘information’, the same report (94/13) was to be discussed later under Exclusion of the Press and Public. The report would then require a decision that would be considered commercially sensitive.

That decision could be the basis for any progress when the Isle of Wight Council Cabinet meets on the 9th January when it is hoped for a ‘decision to sign off on a lease of the building to Ventnor Town Council for a 25 year term with the right to renew’. The three page report is embedded below for your convenience.

Armed Forces Day
The Councillors agreed unanimously to contribute £100 toward Armed Forces Day, which is a commemorative event happening on 21st June 2014 in Ryde.

Further information will be provided nearer the time.

Seafront parking
Cllr Jim Toogood, after a great deal of negotiation and persuasion with the necessary bodies, was pleased to tell the Council that the parking bay along the seafront will be changed and will be for commercial vehicles only, with a maximum of 15 minutes and no return within two hours.

This condition change will help resolve the ongoing problem that currently exists along the seafront.

Ventnor Boxing Club
The Boxing Club’s difficulties, due to the sale of the Methodist Church (see Report 95/13) was highlighted by Cllr Brian Lucas.

The Council is very anxious for the Club to continue and the Mayor emphasised what a valuable contribution it makes to the Island. The Council is actively exploring all possibilities.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Richard ‘Tenspeed’ Heaven