Darratt: Ventnor Film Society

The Ventnor Film Society hope that you will be able to join them tonight for the showing of Darratt.

Darratt: Ventnor Film SocietyA darker, fiercer and less accessible parable of guilt and revenge than Haroun’s last film, Abouna – a story of anger and violence, which marries up a personal story of rage with Africa in general and Chad in particular, where a civil war has raged for decades and whose cycle of slaughter and counter-slaughter can only be brought to a halt when its victims make the agonising decision to forgive – or at any rate to forget.

Ali-Bacha Barkai plays Atim, a young guy angry at the world. His father was killed before he was born by a notoriously brutal soldier, Nassara (Yousouf Djaoro), who has been granted amnesty from any charge of war crimes, and Atim’s blind grandfather (Khayar Oumar Defallah) presents Atim with a handgun and entrusts him with a sacred task: track down Nassara in the distant, dusty town of N’djamena, where he is working as a baker – and kill him.

Bits and Bobs:
Dir: Mahamat-Haleh Haroun Chad 96 mins
Cast: Abderamane Abakar, Ali Barkai, Khayar Oumar Defallah

Venue: Ventnor Winter Gardens
Curtains up: at 7.30pm
Tickets: £4.50 (£3.50 conc)