Does Freedom of the Press Matter? Latest

Following our posting about being cut off by the IWC Communications Dept, many of our readers wrote to the IWC expressing their concerns about the situation.

On Monday afternoon many of them received the same statement from either David Pugh, Claire Robertson (Head of Comms) or Gavin Foster (Media Manager). This statement was also read out at the Ventnor Town Council Meeting on Monday evening by Ventnor Mayor, Cllr Susan Scoccia.

VentnorBlog didn’t directly receive this document, but it was forwarded to us by supporters.

Having seen it, we took initial legal advice and are now taking more detailed advice.

We believe that the statement about VentnorBlog, circulated by the Isle of Wight Communications Department, contains untrue information and we have been advised that it is potentially defamatory.

Steve Beynon, Chief Exec of IWC, has been in contact with VB and we plan to meet next week to try and resolve the situation.