Dog on beach :

Extra caution advised for dog walkers

This in from the police, in their own words Ed

Following the recent storms, we’ve had reports of Palm Oil being washed up on Weston Shore in Southampton and across the border in Sussex.

We’d like to warn members of the public, particularly dog walkers on coastal areas, to be extra cautious and keep their dogs under control on the foreshore.

How to identify it
Palm Oil is described as slightly smaller than a rugby ball, white, chalky and with a slight smell of sulphur.

The substance itself is not dangerous to humans, but can cause injury or death to pets, particularly dogs, if ingested.

Advice from Hampshire Fire and Rescue, if found is to:

“Wear double vinyl gloves and place in a strong plastic bag over the substance and bag it up, place the outer gloves in with the oil, tie it off, then place into a second strong bag and also tie off. This can be disposed of in ordinary refuse.”

Alternatively please contact the local authority to come and remove it.

The source is currently unknown.

Given the recent stormy weather and the possibility of anything being washed up on the beaches, members of the public at asked to contact the Coastguard or Police if they find anything suspicious.

Image: Aidan Wotjas under CC BY 2.0