Freedom from strokes

Mobile stroke rehab service now available Islandwide

Thanks to Sophie for news of this new service. Ed

Freedom From Strokes provide a specialist Stroke Trained Therapist to visit patients in their own homes to help promote recovery and mobility to their former selves.

This is a unique service outside the NHS and is much needed by the vast number of Island stroke community. It is growing rapidly, between 400-600 island people suffer a stroke each year.

Third largest killer
Stroke is the third largest killer next to heart and cancer suffers.

It leaves people severely disabled and in need of complete care in 35% of stroke survivors.

Freedom From Strokes
Freedom From Strokes founder Bob Dalton, an island resident and businessman had a severe stroke back in November 2010. After seeking help after his initial NHS treatment, he was left to fend for himself. He was offered an hour per week at the local day hospital Ladlaw House, at St Mary’s Newport.

He quickly realised that he was in need of intensive therapy and after his Hungarian partner suggested he visit a stroke specialist hospital in northern Hungary Paradfurdu, he stayed in the hospital as an inpatient for 5 weeks. He got on so well he regained is “Mojo” and his entrepreneurial spirit returned. He spoke with the hospital director to suggest a private company be formed and the result is FFS.

Specialist service needed on the Island
Now after sending patients for a similar experience with great success he realised not everyone wants to go all the way to Hungary, but they still need the specialist service offered by the hospital there.

He has employed staff from Hungary to provide a service here and also as a pre and aftercare service for his clients.

Therapist from Hungary
Lazslone Harangodi has many qualifications and much experience and is very happy to come to England. She has added qualifications which include AGRO THERAPY which teaches patients to regain use of their hands and fingers.

She said,

“Until someone loses the use of their hands and feet they don’t realise how debilitating it can be. With the skills I have developed my patients can regain independence and dignity.”

Bob Dalton said,

“She was one of my main therapists at Paradfurdu hospital and we are extremely grateful she has agreed to join us. Her boss Dr.Anna Marie Pos has joined our team and highly recommended her for the post.

“We have a physiotherapist joining us in the New Year where we will also start a clinic specialising in stroke therapy I realise through my own experiences how much is needed not only on the island but throughout the UK there is a real need for this kind of service.

“I have now recovered a great deal myself but know I have to continue with regular exercise and therapy for a long time to come. It has become my main mission in life to help others but in order to do that we need to spread the word.”

If you or someone you know has suffered a stroke don’t despair help is now here. Ring 01983 861008 or see the website for more information.