Host of Isle of Wight library services you can access from your mobile phone

Did you know you can access a whole host of digital magazines, books, music and newspapers available online through free apps once you become a library member?

The Isle of Wight library service gives you access to popular free online content providers such as Libby; BorrowBox, Press Reader and Naxos Music Library.

With your library membership you can access lots of free online content, including:

  • Newspapers, magazines and periodicals
  • E-books, E-audiobooks
  • Comics, graphic novels and music

You can sign up by simply becoming a library member, then downloading the relevant app. Joining the library is free – visit your local library with one form of ID with your name on it – e.g a bank card, to sign up. You can also join online at via the Website.

Jones: Your Library Service is always open online
Council Libraries manager, Rob Jones, said,

“We have a whole world of digital services just waiting for you to explore and even better, your Library Service is always open online. You can view digital magazines, books, music and newspapers available through dedicated apps on your phone, tablet, laptop or computer.

“You can sign up for digital services by becoming a library member, if you aren’t already, then download the relevant app. If you’re still not sure about using online services, you can come along to any of our libraries and we can take you through it.”

Manage your account online
You can also manage your library account online through the Spydus app. Spydus is your anywhere 24/7 library. Using the app you can search the library catalogue for books and other materials, and reserve items you want to read. You can also renew items you have on loan.

Once you have downloaded the free Spydus mobile app, you can have easy access and control of your library account. You will need your library PIN to use the app. If you don’t know your PIN, pop into any library.

Some of the other free apps available to you once you have joined as a member are below:

Use the BorrowBox app to enjoy a wide range of e-books and e-audiobooks, for adults and children of all ages. You can browse, borrow and download titles to read and listen to wherever you are, whenever you are free. Fiction and non-fiction titles for adults and children are available.

Press Reader
This app lets you access up-to-date digital news through the Press Reader app for your device.

With all your favourite publications in one place, you over 7,000 of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines. You can also save and print articles.

Explore the library’s digital collection and start reading with only a few taps. Libby is a digital magazine service offering access to many national and international titles. You can download popular comics and graphic novels, including Marvel and Disney titles, straight to your own device. This app also lets you listen to e-audiobooks.

Naxos Music Library
Naxos has a huge range of contemporary classical music, jazz, traditional and world music recordings, and some rock and pop. The app gives access to over two million tracks on 140,000 CDs streamed directly to your PC or mobile device. As well the Naxos label, music from other leading independent labels is also available on the site.

To find out more about the digital services your Library has to offer, visit the Website  or call our library team on (01983) 823824.

You can also email for further info at [email protected]

Find us on facebook and twitter: @iwlibraries

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: Jonas Leupe under CC BY 2.0