Newport is the capital of the Isle of Wight. It’s the town with the most nation-wide chains of shops as well as being the centre for business. The County council are head-quartered there.
A report is going to the Isle of Wight council Cabinet meeting next week with recommendations for the junction at Forest Road, which saw a fatal collision two years ago
The outline plans were said to provide a significant positive opportunity for a mix of housing, whilst retaining the rural feel to the lane, but it was met with much local opposition
We could all do with something uplifting to sing along to or put a smile on our faces, so why not check out this video by staff at Isle of Wight Education Federation staff?
Martin has completed 40 portraits of his colleagues, with around another 20 to go. You can see them until the end of the year at Quay Arts Centre in Newport
The school collected an impressive donation of toys, plus £160 and also dropped an incredible donation of food and toiletries, along with a £40 donation to the Isle of Wight Foodbank
The pop-up shops include festive decorations, children’s toys, fudge, leather handbags, wire-wrap jewellery and ceramics, all from local providers and with the majority made on the Island
Cllr Michael Lilley also questioned how the patients’ families needs were being treated, as he said it is often the family who are more distressed than the needs of those being cared for