covid19 in test tube

Latest number of Isle of Wight lab-confirmed Coronavirus cases

The number of lab confirmed Coronavirus cases on the Isle of Wight has increased by one, bringing the cumulative total to 429.

This means there have been six new cases recorded to date in August (24th) on the Isle of Wight, compared to just three in July.

Since Friday the number of confirmed cases in Portsmouth has risen from 529 to 536 and in Southampton from 990 to 991.

From today (24th August), the Coronavirus Testing Centre will be based at Newclose Cricket Ground.

Since the Island has had its own testing facility, more than 3,400 people have had a swab to see if they have the virus

The testing site will be open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 2.30pm at Newclose County Cricket Club, in Blackwater Road, Newport.

People are advised to book a test by either calling 119 or visiting the Website.

Covid-19 deaths
The total number of deaths on the Isle of Wight where Covid-19 is named on the death certificate remains at 87.

The figure is made up of 39 deaths in hospital, three deaths at home, one at the hospice and 44 deaths in care homes.

Our thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones and with the care and NHS staff who have worked so hard to help save lives.

The data
The Government Website produces daily updates of cases in the “Cases by Area” section (under Upper Tier LA).

The Office for National Statistics produced weekly reports on the number of Covid-19 deaths in the community.

You can see how many cases are in your local area by using this interactive map – although at present, we could not find any matches for the Isle of Wight.

Finally, NHS England produce daily reports on records of Covid-19 deaths.

Test and Trace App
The new Test and Trace App has now been running on the Isle of Wight for just over a week with the MD of the App reporting that thousands of Islanders had downloaded it.

Image: Vincent Ghilione under CC BY 2.0