man holding coins in his hand

Letter: Contactless payment on the Floating Bridge discriminates against those who can only use cash

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from a reader who wishes for their name and address to be withheld. Ed

Since the introduction of contactless payment on the Cowes Floating Bridge I, and I expect others including teenagers, have been unable to use the service.

I do not have a contactless card, nor phone and actively go out of my way to use British legal tender in my transactions.

No Internet access
I realise you can pay online, but again, this requires access to both a card and an Internet service. I used to use the computers at East Cowes library but this has now shut, ergo I am massively limited in terms of Internet.

I am a carer on only £90 a week and it’s completely impossible financially for me to have home broadband. This leaves me in a position of not being able to easily or cheaply transit from one side of my town to the other.

A very discriminatory policy
I would happily pay cash and consider this to be a very discriminatory policy for anyone in a similar position.

In addition, absolutely no financial concession has been afforded to those of us on or as I am below the breadline.

It is also discriminatory toward youths who may also be in a similar position regarding card payment and contactless.

Image: MagnusD under CC BY 2.0