Library shelves

Libraries connect individuals and communities, help combat loneliness and improve wellbeing

In celebration of National Libraries Week (4th – 10th October), Isle of Wight libraries have a whole host of events planned this week, 

Libraries Week is a week-long celebration of the nation’s much-loved libraries. This year highlights the role that libraries play in their community as a major driver for inclusion, sustainability, social mobility and community cohesion.

Throughout the week we will be taking action through a variety of events to engage the local community, with activities for adults and young people including story time and craft sessions; knit and natter, art groups and heath walks.

Jones: Everyone is welcome and the library is free to join
The council’s Libraries manager, Rob Jones, said,

“We have a brilliant programme of activities during Libraries Week as we do all year round. Our libraries bring the community together and make a difference to people’s lives. Everyone is welcome and the library is free to join.

“Libraries offer a range of inclusive creative and social activities that connect individuals and communities. We help combat loneliness and improve wellbeing and make a lasting impact on people’s live. Our libraries support you throughout life. From story time groups for toddlers; supporting job seekers to get online and help with CV’s; to local health walks, we have you covered.”

How to join
Joining the library is free. Visit your local library with one form of ID with your name on it – e.g a bank card, to sign up. You can also join online.

The Library Service is always open online. You can view digital magazines, books, music and newspapers available through dedicated apps. You can sign up for digital services by becoming a library member, if you aren’t already, then download the relevant app.

Find out more
To find out more about the services and activities that your Library has to offer throughout the year, visit the Website or call our library team on (01983) 823824.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: Zaini Izzuddin under CC BY 2.0