Left to right, Lynn Stack (Community Partnership), Patric Maude (Nettlestone and Seaview Shed ), Rebecca Hardie (Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council) and Jo King (Open Spaces initiative)

Local group breathes new life into Sophie Watson’s Garden with handcrafted board

After an information board made by a member of the Parish had become very weathered and worn, local group ‘Nettlestone and Seaview Shed’ were approached and asked if they would be able to replace it.

The new board, meticulously hand crafted from recycled oak by a member of the ‘Shed‘ is now situated in a large open space in the Parish known as Sophie Watson’s Garden.

Commemorative trees
During the winter of 2020/21 trees were planted in this garden to commemorate the Parish’s fallen from WWI, with a post by each tree bearing the name and age of each brave young soldier.

A detailed explanation of the planting
The board provides visitors to the garden with a detailed explanation of the planting and is just one of many examples of the Parish benefitting from local organisations working together.

The photograph shows representatives from all organisations involved in the production of the new sign.

Image: Left to right, Lynn Stack (Community Partnership), Patric Maude (Nettlestone and Seaview Shed ), Rebecca Hardie (Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council) and Jo King (Open Spaces initiative)

News shared by Vilma on behalf of the Nettlestone and Seaview Partnership. Ed