Shot from the film:

Ventnor Film Society presents Biutiful

There are a handful of seats left for next Tuesday’s screening of Biutiful.

This is a journey of a conflicted man who struggles to reconcile fatherhood, love, spirituality, crime, guilt and mortality amidst the dangerous underworld of modern Barcelona. His sacrifices for his children know no bounds. As fate encircles him and thresholds are crossed, a dim, redemptive road brightens, illuminating the inheritances bestowed from father to child, and the paternal guiding hand that navigates life’s corridors, whether bright, bad- or biutuful.

Ventnor Arts Club
The screening takes place at Ventnor Arts Club, 13 High Street, Ventnor which is open to non-members on VFS nights. Refreshments are available from the bar before, during and after the film.

Please email [email protected] to make your booking.

If you have reserved a seat and are unable to attend, please let Paddie know so the seats can be re-allocated to those on the waiting list.

Screening starts at 7.30pm sharp, no late entries.