Ventnor High St roadworks will be completed in time for carnival

Readers may remember back in June we mentioned a road closure in Ventnor due to sewage works.

road closed sign:The work was supposed to be finished by 6th July, but as those who live in Ventnor will know, work continues many weeks later and the road is still blocked to traffic.

We’ve been told that workman have said it’s one of the hardest jobs they’ve had to date.

What about Carnival Parade?
Concerns have been raised by locals as to whether the work will be completed in time for the Ventnor Carnival, which takes place on 15th and 22nd August.

Chris Welsford, Independent County Councillor for Ventnor East has been in touch to let readers know that he has received an assurance from Southern Water, through the Isle of Wight Council’s Highways Department, that the roadworks will be finished by the 10th August, before the start of the Carnival week.

Thanks Chris, we’re sure that those involved with the organisation of the Carnival will be very relieved to hear so.

Image: Comedy_nose under CC BY 2.0