Scooter about to go under van on dark road

Beryl scooter ends up under Jolly Fryer van, but thankfully not the rider (updated)

Caroline and Andy from the Jolly Fryer travelling fish and chip van had a fright last night (Wednesday) as they were travelling home from a good day’s work.

As they drove through Nettlestone, all of a sudden a Beryl scooter ended up under their van. A young lad had been riding it on a side road and as he reached the junction with the road the Jolly Fryer van was driving on, he slid and the scooter shot out from underneath him into the road.

Rider: ‘It just went into a skid’
Andy explained that it was dark and the rider had been on the wrong side of the road,

“He clearly didn’t expect other traffic to be on the roads. He appeared to be of school age. His excuse? ‘It just went into a skid, I wasn’t going too fast’.

“Of course. Happens all the time.”

Andy added

“On the one hand I’m glad I wasn’t in my car, the damage would have been bad, they’re very heavy.

“On the other hand this morning I could so easily have been waking up with the thought of having someone die under the wheels of my truck last night.”

No-one interested
When they got home, Andy logged the incident with 101, but that they “aren’t interested” and this morning he called the Isle of Wight council, but with no luck.

He said,

“I phoned the Isle of Wight Council this morning, because according to blurb put out at the start of the scheme they were proud to be part of such a groundbreaking idea. But they apparently have no idea who, on the Island, runs them and also didn’t want to know.

“And if you try contacting Beryl you’ll be lucky to get a chatbot or a disembodied American voice telling you they can’t take your call.”

Cllr Matthew Price (Con), has since let the Jolly Fryer know how to get in touch with Beryl.

Luckily there was no damage to that either, Andy said the scooter went under the front end and out the other side.

Article edit
2.56pm 9th Sept 2021 – Embedded video removed as being sold on by Jolly Fryer to an agency

Image: © Jolly Fryer

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