Abbie’s sock-monkeys raise money for the Hospice

We love it when readers get in touch with details about the selfless acts of a young person.

Very often young people get pigeon-holed as difficult and disruptive teenagers, but 15 year old Abbie Howard certainly doesn’t fit that stereotype.

Abbie has gone out of her way to do something for others. Others in need and for this kind of selfless act, she deserved rich praise.

She’s been busy, busy, busy creating these fantastic hand-made sock-monkeys (pictured) in order to raise money for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.

Target of £500
She has managed to raise a whopping £200 so far, and hopes to boost the target £500.

sock monkeys

Abbie has used good quality, brand new socks for the monkeys and is selling them for just £4.50 each. All money raised goes to the Hospice.

If you’d like to support Abbie’s fundraising efforts and buy one (or more) of the sock monkeys, get in touch with her by emailing [email protected]

500 miles for Barely Born
In addition, Abbie and her friend, Steph Smith, are also walking, running and cycling 500 miles too help raise money for Barely Born Appeal.

You can donate through their Just Giving page.

Thanks to VB reader, Laura Chandler, for letting us know about Abbie’s great efforts.