Ventnor Audit Report Reveals Some of Ventnor Town Council’s Secrets

Having re-read the Ventnor audit report again yesterday, one thing that shone through was that no-one in Ventnor or on the rest of the Island would have been aware of this murky period in Ventnor history if ‘new’ councillors hadn’t come on to Ventnor Town Council (VTC) over the last couple of years and pushed for this to be investigated.

Former Ventnor Town Council Under InvestigationSurely thanks not abuse?
Shouldn’t these ‘new’ councillors be thanked instead of being vilified?

The thanks that they’ve received from some up to now? Having to endure a whipped-up mob shouting at them in VTC meetings and some threats of physical violence against them.

That, of course, all occurred between it becoming known that an independent auditor was to investigate some of the past business of the VTC and the report being delivered.

Facts not rumours
The report lays down in black and white the highly questionable and unlawful events that occurred under the eye of a number of past town councils.

As the auditors were only in for half of the amount of time originally arranged – five days instead of ten – they weren’t able to go back further than 2006.

Other shenanigans still hidden
The upshot of this is that other shenanigans that the VTC have kept secret from the town – who, as we know, they are supposed to be representing – haven’t, yet, been brought to the attention of the public.

Bad past decision by councillors have directly led to the town’s precept (the amount of money each Ventnor household pays to the VTC through council tax collection) being raised. This isn’t widely known.

In the executive summary of the audit report the first item in the summary of significant findings states

“There is also clear evidence of a lack of effective oversight from the political level by members.”

Meeting on Monday
We wonder if the people who were cajoled into coming along to the VTC meeting, shouting at the councillors, accusing them of forcing Graham Perks out of the Winter Gardens, will feel as strongly about removing the Town Councillors who oversaw this sorry period.

They and others interested in this have their opportunity to ask questions from 7pm on Monday at the VTC meeting.

Not only will town councillors be able to be questioned during the extended public question time, but you’ll also be able to ask questions directly to the Auditor if anything from the audit report isn’t clear.

Image: Kapungo under CC BY-SA 2.0

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