A flock of sheep in Niton were left in a distressed state this morning after a dog was seen chasing them through the field. Two were discovered to have bloodied necks. The farm issue a warning for all to be vigilant.
The new awards showcase the success of rural industries on the Island, and the awards for schools and young people demonstrate the very positive future of rural life on the Isle of Wight.
The CLA say fly-tipping is not a victimless crime and that the Government, local authority and Environment Agency must work together with farmers and landowners to help reduce fly-tipping on private rural land.
Cheddar made from the milk of Briddlesford's Guernsey cows is "proper Isle of Wight cheese" and managed to fight off competition from some of the most famous cheddar makers in the country at the British Cheese Awards.
The Housing Minister has extended the right to convert buildings without having to seek a full planning permission by allowing more options to convert existing farm buildings into family homes.
Isle of Wight farmers could be left at the mercy of volatile world markets or become little more than country park keepers to earn Government money says Rural Property Specialist, James Attrill.
The first on the list of resolutions for the New Year is for the Isle of Wight Council or the Government to impose "some form of public service obligation on ferry companies or provide an alternative".