Christmas Rhapsody At St Catherine’s Church

Christmas Rhapsody At St Catherine's ChurchThis coming weekend sees the return of the annual Christmas fair at St Catherine’s church in Ventnor.

The celebrations kick off on Thursday evening at 7.30pm with a concert of light entertainment, this is followed on Friday lunchtime by another concert.

This one featuring carols sung by St Boniface and St Wilfred’s primary schools with music accompaniment supplied by pupils from Ventnor Middle school.

Visit the church on Saturday and marvel in the beautifully decorated Christmas tree whilst taking in refreshments and browsing the stalls where you can stock up on Christmas presents. There’ll be cakes, preserves, gifts, toiletries, jewellery, books and CDs, a collectors stall and many more. Update: between 10am-3pm

Don’t forget the raffle and tombola.

We didn’t have any photos of St Catherine’s Church, so here is one of Fakenham Parish Church instead.