Is This The Future For Ventnor?

I came across an article this week about the rising demand for seafront properties.

Is This The Future For Ventnor?I had to look twice at the photo illustrating the article …. actually, I had to look several times, each time in horror.

Was this an artists impression of Ventnor in the future? A row of high rise buildings towering above the colourful beach huts. The views of our unique terraces stolen away and replaced with monoliths of concrete.

Thankfully this is not a vision of Ventnor in the future. Let’s just hope it stays that way.

We’ve been accused of moaning about property development in Ventnor. As Simon’s tagline on the forum says “Just because you don’t want to see expensive high-rise rabbit hutches built all over the seafront, doesn’t mean you don’t want progress in the town”. We welcome progress and regeneration, but in our opinion, pulling down historical buildings and replacing them with pastiche is not what we consider conservation.


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