Objectors say the applicant has not complied with previous planning conditions - such as planting 100 trees to mitigate the loss of habitat - and has in their view 'industrialised' the site in an AONB, SSSI and Special Area of Conservation
As well as the three-course Christmas meals that were delivered to older residents yesterday, surprise gifts and something to help the pudding go down were also included
Community Response And Back-up Niton and Whitwell has bounced back into action ahead of the second national lockdown and has put out a call for volunteers
The long-running PTEC story has sprung back into life, on the signing of a new agreement with an Orkney-based company, promising a large-scale tidal energy site off the Isle of Wight. Here are all the new details so far
Isle of Wight psychedelic folk pop band, Kat Fight, release their latest single on Prison Records tomorrow (Wednesday). Here's a sneaky peek at the music video
Gordon's family say he was happiest when on two wheels and that losing him has left a hole in their hearts. He will be missed amongst the Island motorcycle community and our thoughts are with them all
The Isle of Wight council were set to approve the further investment to assist with renewal of licences and leases for the tidal energy scheme off the coast of St Catherine's Point
Launched on Wednesday, the Community Response and Back-up group, Niton - CRAB for short - will provide vital support, services and resources to the local community and to business