closed sign on a door

Isle of Wight libraries close during lockdown: Some other services continue

Isle of Wight Council library services are now closed to reinforce the need to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

The ‘Order and Collect’ scheme, along with access to computer services, has also been suspended due to the rapid rise in positive Coronavirus cases on the Island.

Staff being redeployed
Library staff are standing by to be redeployed to assist with the Covid-19 response and to support the community at this time of crisis.

The situation will be reviewed during the last week of January and the council may be able to restore its Order and Collect service in February, depending on local infection levels.

Loans extended
All current loans have been extended to 1st March and no fines are being charged.

Online services continue
Library services are available online, including access to ebooks, audio books, magazines, newspapers, music, comics and graphic novels.

People can access these services on the council’s Website.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office. Ed

Image: fotografierende under CC BY 2.0