
Learn the forgotten craft of ‘bodging’ to help create this anti-fracking message

Sylvia shares detail of this latest anti-fracking event. Ed

‘Don’t Frack the Commonweal’ (a nationwide community artwork project in progress) is coming to the Isle of Wight on Friday 18th August (11am-3pm) at The Garlic Farm.

Forest of Dean artist, Tom Cousins, is touring England’s community and water protection groups making spokes for an eight spoke wheel to present to anti-fracking supporting MPs and Lords and Ladies at Westminster.

Get involved
He’ll be demonstrating some basic green woodwork techniques at the event and then helping people work on the Isle of Wight spoke.

The idea is to use a forgotten craft (bodging), to make an iconic symbol of an archaic concept (the commonweal) and then present it to the ancient institution that it forged but has mostly forgotten (Westminster).

All welcome
This is a free, family-friendly outdoor event and will go ahead whatever the weather. Just bring a brolly.

There is free parking, toilets and cafeteria on site.

Come and take part in making a wooden ‘commonweal’ spoke to represent your community.

Everyone is welcome.

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