ian dore with face mask and photo of his daughter walking with her great aunt outside the hospital

Letter: Suggestion clinical staff man the doors at hospital is insulting and shows total lack of understanding

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Ian Dore, who is an Alliance Group councillor for Binstead. Ed.

I don’t indulge in ‘tit for tat’ exchanges as I agree and disagree with views on various subjects, from all sides of the Chamber.

Today though has flipped my switch. This is my view, not as a councillor but as a nephew, a husband and a father.

Suggestion clinical staff man the doors
This year, I and various family members have been in and out of St Mary’s as if we were frequent flyers.

Covid has ripped a massive hole through the staffing strength of clinical members so the suggestion from Joe Robertson to have the door manned by clinical staff is nothing more than insulting.

A terrible mis-judgement of ‘reading the room’
With a rise in cases, the winter season coming and no real idea of how Omicron is going to affect the Island’s community, sadly such comments display a total lack of understanding and are a terrible mis-judgement of ‘reading the room’.

Only a year ago we were all out clapping for them as they went about saving lives, now its being suggested they put their medical skills to one side and get on the door!

Personal experiences
My aunty who died of Cancer this year, spent a number of weeks in St Mary’s and although we couldn’t physically go in, the always helpful staff facilitated our wheel chair pushes round the duck pond and it made such a difference before she passed away.

My wife had a heart attack and again, the Ambulance crews, nurses, consultants and all that cared for her were able to, because they were at full strength.

Keeps essential clinical staff doing what they do best
By having SIA registered members on the door, it keeps people safe and the essential clinical staff, doing what they do best.

Caring for us and saving lives.

By suggesting otherwise is also diminishing and sullying the often challenging work the door staff do.

Consider the bigger picture
I had a baby in lockdown, I couldn’t go and visit. Rightly so, there is a bigger picture to consider. You need as many midwives and consultants, plus support staff on deck, 24/7.

They are the lifesavers and as such, are the priority. To even hint and at an entry solution that takes clinical staff off the front line, is irresponsible.

Protection of clinical staff on Children’s Ward paramount
My other daughter has to visit frequently, because she suffers fevers that sometimes require professional management.

Again, protection of the clinical staff on the Children’s Ward (like every ward) is absolutely paramount.

Full complement of medical heroes
Only last week, I was personally ‘treated’ to not one but two cameras about my person, to see whether there was any nasty things lurking, causing my stomach upsets.

Because there is professional security personnel manning the access, it meant there was a full complement of medical heroes to cater for my needs.

The NHS is up against it
It may have gone unnoticed to some in the political bubble, but the NHS is up against it. Operations are being cancelled and life saving treatment is being bumped in place of Covid support. Medical practitioners are having to make difficult judgements that could well affect the well being of your loved ones.

They need all the clinical staff they can get.

SIA staff have been exemplary in their manner
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to go to St Mary’s, either for my own immediate family or extended family support. 

Every single time, the SIA staff have been exemplary in their manner, kind, courteous and professional.

The appropriate staff in the appropriate locations
They are trained to deal with security issues, clinical staff are trained to deal with clinical issues. I’ve been there, I’ve seen it through the eyes of birth, death and in between.

On all occasions the restrictions were put in place to save live and prevent further injury. For that you have to have the appropriate staff in the appropriate locations.

A debt I can never repay
Yes it’s hard as a family, but you do get through it. All the staff at St Mary’s have literally been life savers and I wish them the best Christmas they can possibly have.

I owe them everything this year and its a debt I can never repay.