Liam Madden’s Film Review: Vicky Christina Barcelona

Liam gives us his view of this Woody Allen film, which you can hire from Island libraries for just 98p per night. Ed

For some time now, the impression of Woody Allen to most people is of a man with a serious problem with relating to the people.

He makes films that are usually quite detailed and analytical but the point is always that somehow out of all the madness, life is good.

With this in mind, comes the DVD of Vicky Christina Barcelona – a story of set in Spain of two American women travelling from New York to spend the Summer in Barcelona.

You could play it safe and call it a romantic comedy but that would not be as accurate in describing what is not so much a light-hearted comedy, but an analysis of the underlying danger that attracts women to men and visa-versa.

Without this darkness and foreboding one gets the impression that the battle between what is good and what is bad would not be so clear.

As the film progresses it becomes apparent that this city in Spain is not that different from New York but simply because the two women never really arrive fully aware, their own destructive abilities cause them to be totally oblivious to their own beauty.

Out of all of Woody Allen’s films, I would say that this is his most beautiful to watch. It’s easy on the eye and the story is fascinating.

The acting is so impressive that after watching it, one feels as if it has attempted the very thing it set out to do which was to teach the audience just how wonderful life can be.

Read Liams’ other Reviews of DVDs