The Open Letter - in the form of a petition - calls on the Isle of Wight council to commit to fund free school meals during school holidays. Details and link within
The Isle of Wight College has a proven track record of excellent success rates so why not book an online appointment for the Virtual Open Day on Saturday 7th November to find out more
It's a lot of money to raise in these challenging times, but the club recognises that raising fees would exclude players, so they're appealing to a wider audience for help
While we’re awaiting a statement from IWC on food vouchers for children on free school meals over half term, here’s how Southampton has dealt with it, working with local businesses, schools, charities and food banks
A six-year-old Islander was so moved when he heard Island children might go hungry in the school holidays that he set about creating paintings to sell. He's raised £200 so far!
It’s hoped that the grant to help with the clearance of an allotment space will lead to young people in the area learning about gardening and sustainability, whilst building confidence and well being
Ben will be live streaming from his living room on Sunday and taking donations for requests to help raise money to support free lunches for Isle of Wight children next week