Today the LibDem candidate told CP that "incorrect information" was given to members in his "I'm not standing" email, but claims it was, "corrected shortly afterwards". OnTheWight has the email and can find no 'corrections'. You can read it too - see if you agree
An email sent out by the IW Lib Dems last night to members revealed that their candidate, Nick Stuart, will be standing aside, in an electoral alliance with the Greens. Here’s the full text
The LibDem MEP for the South East has called for Nigel Farage's LBC show to be shut down to ensure broadcast impartiality is enforced during the election period. The Brexit party counter
At the Green party Conference last weekend, members voted overwhelmingly to support entering discussions with other parties to form potential electoral alliances
OnTheWight has asked Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely these four questions about today’s Supreme Court ruling on proroguing Parliament. Here’s the background on what’s he’s failed to answer before.
The Isle of Wight Labour Party Secretary says all shades of opinion need to be represented at the polling station, indicating they would not step down if an election was called.
With the prospect of a general election the Green Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate asks whether we could see real, significant alliances on the Isle of Wight. Vix says thousands hope so, and some are trying to make it happen.