The Present of the CLA says the Government needs to earn the trust of rural communities by guarantee that UK farmers will not be undercut by cheap imports produced to lower standards
After IW Green Party's vote count dropped by 1,577 votes, they share post-election words about First Past the Post, the Climate debate and the fact they received five times as votes in 2019 than the 3% level of support found across the UK
The Independent Labour and Independent Green cllrs say that with the Conservative candidate being elected in the by-election with just 36% of votes (whilst Labour and Green vote combined was 45%) it's time for left of centre parties to work together
Bob Seely says it's his role is to represent all Islanders – whether they voted for him or not, adding that he cannot promise to win every battle he fights, but promises to fight every battle to the best of his ability
With a rise in memberships since the General Election, the focus for Island Labour will now be the Isle of Wight council elections that take place in 2021
Find out who spent the most, how much each vote cost the candidates and details of donations - including the massive £10,000 donation for one candidate