The anonymous parking survey will help the Ryde Business Association to discuss issues around parking with both the town and Isle of Wight Council. It takes around 15 minutes to complete.
Just days after Cllr Ian Ward said “Residents will be able to use the floating bridge during the Christmas period so they can enjoy shopping, celebrating and travelling to family and friends,” the service has been suspended due to another failure of the £6.5+m bridge.
People have been wondering how much the large work boat that stops the new Floating Bridge 6 from floating down the Medina when tides are strong has been costing. Here are the details ... and where the money to pay for it come from.
Cllr Ward says he's particularly pleased with November’s availability figures for the Floating Bridge, because, he says "they show, without doubt, the floating bridge is doing the job it was built for the vast majority of the time".
Besides being rebuilt and strengthened, parts of the footbridges such as the handrails that were previously soft wood, have been replaced with hard wood components to make the structures more durable requiring less maintenance.
Due to the “unprecedented” number of responses by Southampton residents to the clean air zone consultation, the council's response to Westminster will have to be delayed.
The Newport and Carisbrooke Parish Council have joined forces with the Business Association to oppose plans to introduce parking charges in the Nodehill and Crocker Street area of the county town.
In the last two and a half years the costs of Floating Bridge 6 have spiraled. The councillor for East Cowes says the additional cost of the replacement launch could have been used to continue the work of the Local Area Coordinators.
The stretch of road is one of the UK’s best-known and most photographed sections of highway and the longest consecutive length of road upgraded by Island Roads in a single scheme, as part of the Highways PFI.