Chris Jarman was concerned that people from Tier 2 and 3 areas were travelling to spend time on the Island, so he asked Bob Seely his view on it. He was shocked by the MP’s response
With the risk factor increasing from low to medium on the Test and Trace App, News OnTheWight sought clarification from the Isle of Wight council as to why this was happening. Here’s what they told us
Students at Cowes Enterprise College have received their A Level results today, with many going on to attend some of the country’s top universities, including Oxford.
Companies and event locations are urged to join #WeMakeEvents in lighting their building or structure in red in order to draw attention to the dramatic situation facing the events industry
The shortlisting recognises the collaborative efforts and dedication of staff members says head of safeguarding at the Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Clare Griffin from West Wight Sports and Community Centre said it had been a long and challenging four months. Their reopening will be phased and controlled
The Wightlink in the Community project is a collaboration between Platform One students, Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra, Fusion Arts Academy and others. All proceeds will benefit the Island's NHS charity
More Isle of Wight groups supporting those in need during the Coronavirus crisis have been thanked by the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Edward and Sophie