Green Party MEP Alex Phillips says the South East could benefit most from a Green New Deal, with new job markets revitalising coastal communities while reducing inequality and increasing training opportunities
At the Green party Conference last weekend, members voted overwhelmingly to support entering discussions with other parties to form potential electoral alliances
Vix Lowthion says the Isle of Wight MP, Bob Seely, must call out and overwhelmingly reject the politics of hate, division and stoking up of emotions against each other, "Instead of arrogance and anger, we need humility and hope".
With the prospect of a general election the Green Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate asks whether we could see real, significant alliances on the Isle of Wight. Vix says thousands hope so, and some are trying to make it happen.
You may have heard Dr Rupert Read, academic and a national spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion, on Radio 4, BBC Politics Live, LBC, or Channel 5 news. He'll be speaking on the Island this month.
Those in attendance have pledged to return next week if the Government fails to step down if a vote of No Confidence is passed, or they ignore legislation decided upon by Parliament.
The street stall in the centre of Ryde will be part of the largest mobilisation for proportional representation in recent history, and part of the ‘Make Votes Matter’ movement for change.
In her role as national Green Party Education Spokesperson, Vix Lowthion took to the stage at the ‘Together For Education’ event as part of the rallying call to action across the country.
According to the Green MEP candidate, the Stop Brexit bus has had a great reception across the region in Oxford, Worthing, Hastings and Portsmouth. It's on the Island today (Monday).