Michael Portillo visits the Isle of Wight and travels on Island Line trains as well as the Isle of Wight Steam Railway, before heading to Osborne House. Tune in on Thursday
Here’s the description (with pictures) of our tour around the facility, explaining the considerable bravery this has taken and details of what you’re supporting when you buy the new Isle of Wight Milk.
A housing needs assessment, carried out last year, found 81 extra homes were needed in next five years. However, Parish Council oppose 40 home development, which includes 14 affordable homes
At the prestigious awards held in Somerset, of the 16 classes, cows and bulls from the Briddlesford Lodge Farm Herd won seven, and took reserve in six classes.
The Barn which houses John Cattle's Skateclub, also welcomes birthday parties, Morris Dancers and groups for children and the elderly to meet in a warm, comfortable environment to enjoy activities, conversation and fellowship.
There will be demonstrations of some of the presses over both weekends, as well as limited edition prints, both for view and for sale, as well other letterpress ephemera.
Rosie was last seen on Sunday evening and a major search has been underway for several days. If you have seen Rosie please get in touch with police as a matter of urgency.