A councillor with Niton and Whitwell Parish Council explains the determined work they have been carrying out since the 2014 Undercliff Drive landslip and explains why reopening the road is crucial to the village's way of life
Owners of the cottage the footpath runs in front of objected to the Planning Inspectorate, but they dismissed the appeal, stating Ordnance Survey map evidence as far back as 1908
Having had some time for the third album to sink in, OnTheWight caught up with CHAMPS to find out more about their influences, new manager and why at least two songs reference red stars
The long-awaited third album is out today and it's a cracker. The 12 tracks take you on a beautiful journey with the brothers from Niton, who are most certainly going places now they have the right support behind them.
Eight-year-old Martha from Niton is featured with three photos in the first issue of new female skateboarding zine, Plank. She continues to be an inspiration to many.