Isle of Wight Community Fund Support More Local Charities

Great news in from Krissy at the IWCF, in her own words. Ed

IWCF LogoAn Island cancer charity has received vital funding to improve the support it is able to offer Islanders suffering from the disease.

The Semi-Colon Group IW was successful in gaining a £1,000 grant from the Isle of Wight Community Fund (IWCF). The money will enable it to work more closely with other cancer support groups such as Ureology, Stoma and Upper GI.

“The money will mean we will be able to provide much needed support to some cancer patients not currently receiving the help we can offer” explains Tony Crowson from the Semi-Colon Group. “Eventually we also hope to create a central hub for both patients and volunteers and establish closer links with both the NHS and Earl Mountbatten Hospice.”

£1k for Vectis Community Radio
At a time when youth unemployment has hit an all time high, a new project aimed at getting young Islanders into work also received £1,000 funding from IWCF. Vectis Community Radio are piloting a scheme which will see up to 50, 16 to 25 year olds, receive skills and training both on and off air, at the studios in Newport.

By the end of their placement they will have created a short demo promoting themselves to local businesses which will be broadcast on air.

£1k for IW Young Leaders
Training was also the focus of an application from the IW Young Leaders. The £1,000 grant awarded to the scouting unit will enable 30 youngsters to participate in special weekend camps and evening sessions.

The youngsters will also use the funds to organise a conference aimed at ensuring they are given a greater voice within the scouting movement on the Island.

The 1st Ventnor Guides also relieved a grant of £664 from IWCF towards the costs of attending the Flame 2012 International Camp in Hampshire.