Dr Judith Moore receives vaccination by DK Photography Isle of Wight

People being told to go to Mainland for vaccinations: Don’t go, say NHS

Many News OnTheWight readers have been in touch over the last 24 hours pointing out that after receiving a letter inviting them to book a Covid-19 vaccination they were only offered mainland options.

It looks as though the letters may have gone out a couple of days early, because this morning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust issued a press release stating that the Newport Riverside vaccination centre would be opening from tomorrow (Monday).

Islanders who received invitations to book an appointment over the last couple of days say they have been offered appointments in Portsmouth and even as far as Brighton.

Keep trying until you get an Island slot
A spokesperson for Isle of Wight NHS Trust says,

“If people are unable to book an appointment on the Island, the national booking system may offer an appointment on the mainland as an alternative.

“People should continue to check the booking system regularly as more slots on the Isle of Wight will become available.”

Residents should not travel off the Island for a Covid-19 vaccination (or test).

Legg: As quickly as vaccinations reach us
Dr Michele Legg, GP and chair of NHS Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group, said,

“The opening of the Riverside Centre vaccination centre on the Island is great news for our community.

“As well as having four GP-led vaccination sites and the St Mary’s Hospital Hub, having a sixth will really help us vaccinate our residents as quickly as vaccinations reach us.”

Residents are reminded to continue to wash their hands for 20 seconds, wear a face covering outdoors and maintain social distancing.

Image: © DKphotography, Isle of Wight