20mph sign with bushes and blue skies by anotherphotographer

Letter: 20mph zone pointless unless it is enforced, says Godshill resident

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Ray Farrow, Godshill. Ed  

I noticed that Brighstone would like a 20 mph speed limit for the area.

I live in Godshill and after a long struggle with the council we finally had a 20mph speed limit in place through the village, the police said they wouldn’t impose it and as a result we have all types of vehicles speeding through.

Recorded 64mph in 20mph zone
I borrowed a speed counter and clocked vans travelling at 47mph, busses 33mph, two motor bikes racing at 64mph, cars 43 – 52mph, hardly anyone stuck to the speed limit, so the 20mph is pointless unless the Police enforce it.

Lack of pavements
The main reason we wanted a 20 mph limit is we have little or no pavements in the village, so it can be disconcerting with cars flying past and it gets even worse in the summer with an influx of visitors.

Image: anotherphotographer under CC BY 2.0