Kahu cruiser cowes fire video from water by Sally Water Taxi

‘On Water’ up close videos of Kahu cruiser fire in Cowes

The fire on-board the motor yacht Kahu in East Cowes yesterday was big news – not just on the Island, but around the world.

The $5.6m craft was of the highest quality, as could be seen when we published the photos and video of Kahu before the fire, which made its loss all the more heart-wrenching for many.

Sally Water Taxi video
Sally Water Taxi were right on the scene – they work that section of water everyday, helping people get around. They were kind enough to share the videos that they shot yesterday.

It’s footage like none of the dramatic photos and video of the Kahu cruiser on fire that we published last night.

Not only does this show the boat as the Isle of Wight firemen first started examining the board, before any smoke or flames were visible, but. because of the work they do daily, it’s taken from the water.

Fire brigade arrive
The fire brigade have just arrived on site and there is not visible smoke or flames. Seeing the fireman on board, you can really get a scale of size of Kahu.

About an hour into the fire
Lots of smoke billowing out of Kahu.

Only 15 minutes later and flames can clearly be seen

A mere five minutes later and the flames are raging.
It is astonishing that the fire has taken so much more of a hold in just five minutes. At this point, Sally Water Taxi decided to stop filming.

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