“Why Can’t Mainland Britain Be Like The Isle of Wight?”: The Telegraph

So says Michael Deacon from The Telegraph.

Yes folks, the Isle of Wight received a glowing report from one Telegraph journalist yesterday.

The journalist, who mentioned in passing last month that he’d be honeymooning on the Isle of Wight, was true to his word.

Following a relatively hazard-free wedding in Poole, the newly weds travelled across the water to enjoy the delights of the Wight.

No loitering thugs, no graffiti and no litter
His article, recounting how surprisingly easy the ‘ordeal’ of getting married was, finishes with a footnote about his time on the Island.

“Why can’t mainland Britain be like the Isle of Wight? During our honeymoon there, we spotted a grand total of no loitering thugs, no graffiti and no litter. Also, the locals are remarkably trusting of strangers.

“On a coastal path, we came across a table laden with pots of home-made jam for sale. Nobody manning it – just a sign with prices on, and a box for you to drop in your payment. We rattled it: full of cash. Such innocent faith in the decency of ordinary people; so lacking in the cold misanthropy of the rest of us.”

There you have it – a great plug for our wonderful Isle. Perhaps those responsible for the tourism contract should get in touch with him.

Read Michael’s article in full

Image: llsimon53 under CC BY 2.0