Forget the wars, poverty, the EU referendum, local political shenanigans and take a look at this gorgeous Shetland foal. He'll make your heart melt for a moment or two (hopefully).
Congratulations to all those named in the New Year Honours, especially Isle of Wight man, John Hilsum, for services to Cricket and the Island community.
This Southern Housing Group tenant has come to the end of her tether after the padlock on her rented garage has been changed (stopping her from getting inside) not once, but twice by SHG and apparently all without good reason.
Excellent work by staff and pupils is recognised by Ofsted inspectors who say, "This friendly little school provides a stimulating range of learning activities in support of the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development."
Approximately 280 police personnel worked on the investigation which gathered 466 statements, produced 411 Officers' reports, 512 other documents and had 1,369 exhibits, as well as receiving 241 messages from the public.