If you couldn't make it along to the hustings follow our live reporting from the debate to hear where five of the candidates stand on the Biosphere, climate and the future economy
Bob Seely said it was the best hustings he has been to in his political career, as students asked a range of questions on the subject of climate change
Vandalism of the Vote Labour signs is just the tip of it. The Chair of the local Party says they have seen an "unprecedented level of abuse both online and on the streets"
Labour's Richard Quigley says the incident is like something from Private Eye – first the connection is exposed, and then the scramble to cover it up. Bob Seely responds
Jonathan Dodd returns with his Sunday column, just in time for the fourth General Election in less than ten years. Read what he has to say on the subject
It’s all very well what MPs say in public, what counts is what they vote for. OnTheWight has compiled a list of what Bob Seely voted from since getting elected.
Islanders spent the day voting and counters have spent the evening sorting through the ballot papers. The Isle of Wight High Sheriff has announced the next MP for the Island